Research VR Courseware for Autism
香港安安國際自閉症教育基金會於 2018 年,遇上 VR 及醫療領域專家,其後再遇到潛水、游泳等運動康復專家,並得到精英義工協助調查研究後,發現可以結合 VR 和游泳或其他運動領域,對自閉症人士康復有所裨益,故此本基金會以自身的條件和社會資源,匯聚以上各領域專家制訂項目方案,創建本項目以支持醫學科研專家應用創新技術,開發有持久良好效果的康復課程和理論,及後在社會上倡導應用此創新課程。
In 2018, the AnAn International Education Foundation Hong Kong met experts in the field of VR technology, diving & swimming. Furthermore, The Foundation was assisted by elites to research and find that autism will be greatly benefit if it can combine VR and swimming or other sports exercises. Therefore, the Foundation uses its own and social resources to recruit an expert team of relevant fields and develop a project. This project applies innovative technologies to develop courses with related theories and lasting good effects for the autism.
伙伴醫學專家,以 VR 技術加上游泳等運動去為自閉症人士研發創新康復方法。
VR 治療技術已有數十年歷史,效果皆明顯且能維持,唯過去由於 VR 設備極昂貴致不普及;游泳和潛水舒緩自閉症也有多年歷史,香港也有相關專家和服務機構,效果明顯但受困於泳池設施不便且昂貴,難以每日練習及不普及。本會匯聚經驗豐富的自閉症康復專家,游泳潛水治療專家和VR科技開發專家,值此際手機功能強大和VR技術設備價格廉宜,醫學專家研究相關的康復課程及理論,開發配套的VR設備,以便自閉症人士能在中心與家中,作質量互補的練習,去取得大幅改善。本項目期望將來通過提升方便性和大幅降低成本,令可以每日在家人陪伴下進行,能把VR自閉症課程普及。
Project Objectives
Partner medical experts to research VR plus swimming/diving/sports technology to provide innovative courseware & theory for the autism.
VR treatment technology has been in existence for decades, and its effects are obvious and can be maintained. However, VR equipment was extremely expensive and not popular in the old days. Swimming/diving courses for autism has been available for many years, even in Hong Kong, and the effects are obvious & can be maintained. However, it is inconvenient and expensive to be trapped in the swimming pool facilities & coaches, it is difficult for autism to be trained daily. The Foundation brings together experienced autistic education experts, swimming/diving/sports training experts, VR technology development experts and medical research experts. Since mobile phone is powerful and VR equipment are popular, it is possible to develop the theory and supplemented & inexpensive VR courseware and equipment. The project’s effectiveness can be improved by facilitating the convenience and greatly reducing the cost, so that it can be carried out at home with family members daily, and the training courses can be popularized.
潛水 VR 治療技術研究報告
項目研究員:趙浚亨先生、徐小寶先生 聯席始創人, 社會企業家精神學會, 美國加洲克萊蒙市, 偉博學校 日期:2019-04-13 香港安安國際自閉症教育基金會(慈善)有限公司 版權所有 © 2019 All rights reserved. |
1. 水中療法對自閉症的好處
- 約翰斯·霍普金斯大學最近進行的一項研究(由Cody Unser First Step Foundation 贊助)證明水肺潛水能為包括自閉症、抑鬱症和強迫症等,患有神經和生理障礙的人提供治療好處。美國退伍軍人曾與愛國者殘疾潛水員一起工作,找到了潛水能緩解與截肢、脊髓損傷、創傷性腦損傷和創傷後應激障礙 PTSD 有關的疼痛和焦慮,這正好對應了科學家們的研究結果。
- 請參閱以下關於水療法(包括潛水和游泳)好處的研究論文:
- https://scholarworks.uni.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1005&context=etd
- http://onewiththewater.org/downloads/aquatic-skill-&-social-behaviors.pdf
- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Elizabeth_Ennis2/publication/270899636…
- https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1010&context=gs_rp
2. 現時潛水治療方法的問題
a. 設施問題:
- 游泳池等水上設施是當前計劃不可或缺的一部分,但許多人卻可能不方便頻密使用。
- 有些設施也可能不適合自閉症兒童的安全和治療,因此越來越難以找到合適的設施。
b. 人員考慮:
- 需要潛水教練且有治療經驗者。
- 香港的大多數教練都樂於教導正常的孩子,他們也沒有經驗應對有特殊需要的孩子,少數有經驗的潛水治療教練不單很難找到,並且收費不低廉或令社會部分人士無法負擔得起。
c. 安全隱患:
- 即使是有專業人士在旁,自閉症兒童在游泳池中游泳或潛水仍然存在一定程度的溺水風險。
- 根據國家自閉症協會的統計,意外溺水占美國 14 歲以下自閉症兒童死亡總數約 90%。
d. 財務問題:
- 每節課皆須付費,而不是像 VR 套件般一次性購買。
- 為了最大限度地發揮潛水療法的益處,課堂應該頻繁且持續,因此長遠來看這些昂貴的課堂付費是不切實際的。
- 需要一種更為經濟的且有類似效果的替代品。
3. 潛水 VR 套件如何解決這些問題?
a. 開發人員可以同時看到孩子看到了什麼。
- 營造一個安全,平靜的環境,以適應自閉症兒童的需求和挑戰。
b. 允許自閉症兒童間建立“共同聯繫”。
- 共同關注 – 與另一個人關注同一個對象。對於一般人來說這很自然,甚至沒有註意到正在這樣做,但此卻是社交互動和學習的關鍵技能。他們的 VR 計劃旨在通過加強和獎勵關注某些對像或活動,以幫助教師與學生建立共同關注。
c. 在家園中獲得類似的經驗和效果:
- 患有自閉症的孩子可以簡單地戴上 VR 套件,再把身體完全浸入浴缸中。
- 節省交通時間,有更多時間進行治療。
- 當專業人員幫助孩子適應了新的環境,孩子們就可以隨時自由自在地進行這種治療(只需要有父母或成年人進行監督)。
d. 降低溺水的風險:
- 孩子的安全是我們最應該關心的,這也是採用 VR 治療技術成為優先考慮的另一個原因。
- 即使是在游泳池的淺水區域,其深度也比家中浴缸的深度(平均1至2英尺)較深。
- 大多數孩子可以站在浴缸裡,頭部高於水面。
4. 當前 VR 治療技術的可行性。
- 在治療期間,VR 套件不能浸在水中。
現在市場上的 VR 技術產品並不能完全防水,因此可能無法有潛水的完整體驗,然而為使感覺更真實,有一種用於 VR Gear 的覆蓋泡沫可以阻隔水(仍然不防水)。 - 在浴缸旁邊很難保持設備乾燥。
- 成本。
5. 理想的潛水 VR 套件。
- 防水 VR 耳機
- 靈活且個性化
VR 耳機允許孩子體驗程序員想要呈現的任何類型的場景。根據孩子的不同,它可以在整個治療過程中改變。
- 提供專業治療,一次性體驗(獨特)。 - 一次性購買,價格合理
第二部份:關於 VR 對自閉症益處的研究論文。
- https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/358e/28df2cb7720b7100811f4aee7af731164b08.pdf (page 2 – list of benefits)
- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Paolo_Brambilla/publication/51647647… (page 5 – list of experiments and results)
- http://www.pspc.unige.it/~mosip/Virtual_reality_in_neuroscience_research_and_therapy.pdf
第三部份:關於潛水 VR 技術的研究論文 (麻省理工學院的研究論文)
關於潛水VR技術及兒童的研究論文 (關於自閉症的一些資料) (斯坦福大學的研究論文):https://vhil.stanford.edu/mm/2017/02/bailey-jcm-considering-vr.pdf
Diving VR Therapy Research Findings
Project Researchers:Mr. Chun Heng CHIU (Jayden) & Mr. Albert Isaac XU Co-Founders, Social Entrepreneurship Club, The Webb Schools, Claremont, California, USA Date:2019-04-13 Copyright © AnAn International Education Foundation Hong Kong (Charity) Limited. All rights reserved. |
Part 1:
1. Benefits of Aquatic Therapy for Autism.
- A recent study conducted by Johns Hopkins University, (and sponsored by the Cody Unser First Step Foundation), supported scuba-diving offered therapeutic benefits to individuals suffering from neurological and physiological impairments including anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder. The scientists’ findings are echoed by veterans who’ve worked with Patriots for Disabled Divers and find relief from pain and anxiety related to amputations, spinal injuries, traumatic brain injuries and PTSD.
- Refer more to the below research papers on the benefits of aquatic therapy (diving and swimming included):
- https://scholarworks.uni.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1005&context=etd
- http://onewiththewater.org/downloads/aquatic-skill-&-social-behaviors.pdf
- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Elizabeth_Ennis2/publication/270899636…
- https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1010&context=gs_rp
2. Problems of Current Method.
a. Logistical issues.
- A swimming pool or some sort of aquatic facility is integral to the current program which may not be convenient and accessible to many.
- Some facilities may also be unsuitable for children with autism in terms of safety and the therapy, making it increasingly hard to find the right one.
b. Personnel considerations.
- Requires a coach or someone with experience.
- Most coaches in Hong Kong are comfortable and capable of only teaching children without autism; they have limited to no experience with children with special needs. The few coaches that check all the boxes are very hard to find and may not be affordable to the public.
c. Safety hazard.
- For children with autism, physically swimming or diving in a pool even with a professional still presents a certain degree of risk and danger.
- According to the National Autism Association, accidental drowning accounted for approximately 90% of total U.S. reported deaths among children with autism under the age of 14.
d. Financial concern.
- Have to pay for each lesson rather than buying a VR headset one-time.
- To maximize the benefits of an aquatic therapy, the sessions have to be continuous and frequent. In a long run, it would impractical to keep paying for these expensive lessons.
- A more economical alternative of tantamount quality is necessary.
3. How the Diving VR Kit can Solve these Problems?
a. Developers can see what the child is seeing.
- Create a safe and calm environment suited to the needs and challenges of children across the autism spectrum.
b. Allows children with autism to build “joint connection”.
- Joint attention — sharing attention with another person on a common object. For most of us, this is so natural that we don’t even notice we’re doing it, but it’s a crucial skill for social interaction and learning. Their VR program is designed to help teachers build joint attention with their students by reinforcing and rewarding focus on certain objects or activities.
c. Undergo similar experience and achieve results without the need to leave their homes:
- Children with autism can simply submerge their bodies in the bathtub and put on the VR headset.
- Save time on travelling and more time on the therapy itself.
- Once a professional helped the children acclimate to the new surroundings, the children have to freedom to perform such therapy whenever they want to (only require the supervision of an adult, such as a parent).
d. Reduce the risks of drowning:
- The safety of these children is our chief concern and it is another reason why adopting VR technology should be a priority.
- Even the shallow end of public swimming pools in Hong Kong are deeper than the average depth of bathtubs at home (between 1 to 2 feet).
- Most children can stand and sit in the bathtub with their heads above water.
4. Technical Limitation of Currently Available VR Kit.
- The VR headset cannot be underwater during the therapy.
VR technology is not entirely waterproof, so it may not provide the child the complete experience of “diving”. To make the feeling more authentic, there is a cover foam for VR gears that provides resistance against water (still not waterproof). - Hard to keep the equipment dry even when it is next to a bathtub.
- Cost.
The low-cost headsets may be connected to a phone, and less effective for not compatible with the diving program.
5. An Ideal Diving VR Kit.
- Waterproof VR headset
- Flexible and individualized
The VR headset will allow the child to experience any type of scenario the programmer wants to present. It can be changed throughout the therapy according to the child.
- Gives a specialized treatment, one-and-only experience (unique). - One-time purchase, at reasonable price
Part 2: Research papers on the benefits of VR for autism.
- https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/358e/28df2cb7720b7100811f4aee7af731164b08.pdf (page 2 – list of benefits)
- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Paolo_Brambilla/publication/51647647… (page 5 – list of experiments and results)
- http://www.pspc.unige.it/~mosip/Virtual_reality_in_neuroscience_research_and_therapy.pdf
Part 3: Research paper on DIVING VR TECH (PAPER FROM MIT)
A LOT OF TECHNICAL STUFF (DIAGRAMS AND CHARTS): https://dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/handle/1721.1/106054/964701035-MIT.pdf?sequence=1
Research paper on VR and children (a bit about autism) (PAPER FROM STANFORD): https://vhil.stanford.edu/mm/2017/02/bailey-jcm-considering-vr.pdf
Part 4 (more technical):
與別不童:SEN孩子習泳「覺醒」學自理好時機 (2018-05-15)

SEN童來運動 脫胎換骨

建立信心 加強四肢協調
享受水中浮動 有助專注
脾氣改善 回家聽指令
潛到水裏,自閉症兒童發生了奇蹟般的變化 (2018-10-14)